Friday, January 28, 2011

Do What He Said

Over the past few months, I've been writing out the details of a vision God has given me.  On paper it looks really good, and every time I read over it I am filled with excitement.  However, whenever I think about actually doing it, I become a bit apprehensive.

I must be honest and admit that my apprehension does not come from my inability to do what I believe God is leading me to do, but it comes from a fear of putting my heart out there and no one gravitates towards it.  I keep asking myself, "What if I unveil this project and everybody thinks I'm crazy for doing it?"  Or, "What if I venture out and I have no supporters, and it flops?"  What if, what if, what if...

Though I do not predicate what I do for the Lord upon the acceptance and support of others, I'd be lying if I pretended that it wouldn't somewhat bother me if something I am so passionate about did not reach the hearts of others.  Don't judge me...

So, as I'm giving God all of these reasons and excuses on why I'm not sure about moving forward, He continuously repeats four words to me, "Do what I said."   Nothing more, nothing less.

With that, I guess I have no other choice but to obey my Heavenly Father, and simply do what He has told me to do.  As of now I'm deciding to put my apprehensions aside, and follow God's lead.

In my heart, I really do believe that what God wants to do through me will be a blessing to someone's life, and He will be glorified.  For me, that's all that matters.

Today, I encourage you to not worry about that what if's related to the things that God has placed in your heart to carry out.  Make up in your mind, that no matter what, you are going to do what He said, and continue to fulfill the purpose He has planned for your life.  As long as your primary focus is to do it for the glory of the Lord, you have nothing to fear.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Oh, and enjoy the motivational song posted below! It's very befitting for today's post.

Peace & Blessings,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just A Little Encouragement...

Today, I want to share a little encouragement for someone who may be experiencing a tough time right now.  You find yourself in an on-going intense battle, and it feels like you're all alone.  Sometimes you feel that even God has left your side. 

You've cried endless tears. You've endured many sleepless nights. Your strength is fading. Your joy has vanished.  You're considering throwing in the towel.

Well, just before you wave the white flag of surrender, there's something I want to tell you:

God's hand is upon your life.  Every tear, He sees.  Every prayer, He hears.  Every struggle, He knows.  When it feels like you're walking alone, He's actually carrying you.  He's holding you up.  In the midst of your anguish, God is right there.  He sees you, and He's concerned about you.

He does not have you where you are to destroy you.  His plan is to refine rebuild restore you.  He holds your world in His hands, and as long as you're in His care, there's no doubt that you'll be just fine.

Despite what it looks like, despite what it feels like...He has His hands on you, and He is going to bring you through the fire smelling like a rose.

Don't lose heart; don't lose hope...every thing is going to be alright.  God promised that all things would work together for your good, and He is always faithful to His word.

Be encouraged! Enjoy the song posted below.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Friday, January 21, 2011

Growing In Christ...

I read a blog post today that really blessed my heart.  It was a word of confirmation for me, because it reaffirmed some things that God has been speaking to me, and assured me that I am definitely in line with where He wants me to be at this point in my life.  The post helped me to realize just how much I have matured in Christ, and overall, as an individual.

There are things, places, people, and coversations which were once at the top of my interest list, that no longer tickle my fancy.  My paradigm, priorities, passions, pleasures, and plans have changed tremendously as I am developing into the woman God created me to be.

I am so thankful that God has helped me to change my foolish ways, and has shifted my focus on being that virtuous, purpose driven woman with a true desire to live wholeheartedly for Christ.

It feels good to look back and clearly see how much Christ has changed my life.  Though I know I am yet a work in progress, as we all are, I am thankful for being where I am today - spiritually and naturally.  Thank God for His amazing grace.

I believe there comes a point in life when our thought pattern, our actions, our choices, our priorities need to shift.  We should not be the same way we were 10 years ago, because we should always strive to be better today, than we were yesterday.

Though maturity is not gauranteed with age, if we have a relationship with Christ, it should cause us to want to continuosly seek Him for wisdom and maturity as we get older.  We should never become stuck in a particular frame of mind, because change and growth should be constant in our lives.

Today, I encourage you to reflect on your life over the past few years.  How have you grown? How have you matured?  Have you gained more wisdom?  If you can clearly see the progress you've made, both spiritually and naturally, then thank God for your progress and continue to grow in Him.  If you find that you've been a bit stuck, seek God for wisdom.  Ask Him to help you shift the paradigm of your thinking, and as you draw nigh to Him, His spirit will draw nigh to you. 

When we take on the spirit of Christ, and constantly learn of Him, we find continued growth and maturity.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Before You See It

Last week, I surprisingly discovered that my husband and I are expecting our third little pumpkin! Though we'd had a few conversations about adding to our family, we weren't really trying to go that route just yet.  We were planning to give it go later this year, or early next give our 18-month old a little more time to be the baby.  Well, looks like Jaxon has until September to enjoy being the baby of the family, and then he'll have to move up to middle child status.

Breaking the news to our family and friends was so exciting...that is, until we told our almost 8 year old son, Joseph. 

"Mommy and daddy have some exciting news to tell you." I said to him.  "What kind of exciting news?" He asked, as he stared at me with his big eyes. "Mommy's having a baby.  You're gonna have another little brother or sister."  My husband answered.

With a huge smile on my face, I shouted "Aren't you excited?!!"  But my smile and excitement quickly faded when he looked at me sternly and said, "I don't believe you."  I didn't understand...why wouldn't he believe me?  We explained to him that I went to the doctor and there is definitely a baby growing in my stomach.

"I still don't believe you, but I guess I'll find out a little later."  And that was his final answer.  He said nothing else about it for a couple of days.

A few days later, after witnessing me continously praying to the porcelain god, I think something clicked in his brain.  He remembered seeing me do the same thing while pregnant with his little brother, Jaxon.  After making sure I was okay, he wrapped his arms around my waist, kissed my stomach and said, "Ok, I believe you now."  He simply needed to see some kind of sign before he could really believe that mommy is having another baby.

I wonder, how often are we the same way with God?  After He's promised us something or blessed us with something, we won't believe it until He shows us some kind of sign that it really is so.

Faith isn't seeing to believe.  It's believing long before you see anything. 

Though Joseph's failure to believe before seeing anything was harmless, we can often miss out on the things God has in store for us simply because we can't see beyond our natural eyes.  God wants us to see it before we see it.

He wants us to see it and believe it in the spirit before He manifests it in the natural.

Today, I encourage you to walk by faith and not by sight.  Whatever it is that you're asking of God, see it and believe by faith.  Don't wait for a sign to drop from the sky, but open your spiritual eyes and grab hold to what God has is store for you.

Just as I know without a doubt that there is indeed a precious little baby developing inside my womb, you have to know without a doubt that God has something great in the works for you.  I haven't seen an ultrasound, or heard a heartbeat, but I can already see my little pumpkin swaddled in my arms. 

You've gotta see it long before you see it!

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Move Forward

All morning I've been humming a line of one of my favorite Israel Houghton songs, "Moving Forward."  The line that seems to be continuously ringing in my spirit says:

"You make all things new,
Yes, You make all things new
And I will follow You forward."

Love that!

I can testify to the fact that when you decide to follow Christ, and release the guilt of your past, He will indeed make ALL things new.

My feet used to be so deeply planted in the shame, hurt, and pain of my past that moving forward seemed absolutely impossible for me.  I could not see what was ahead of me, because I was bound by what was behind me.  I was exactly where the enemy wanted me to be.

Oh, but one day I decided to follow Jesus.  I decided to give Him my hand and my heart, and allow Him to take me forward.  It has been the best choice I've ever made in my life. 

You see, I had been bound long enough.  I had hurt long enough.  I had cried long enough.  I had gotten so low, that my only option was to go up.  That's when I took God's hand, and He washed my sin-sick soul and made it white as snow.  Erasing all traces of my past. 

He has made so many things new in my life, and I can't help but give Him complete glory, honor, and praise.

2 Corinthians 5:17 is very befitting for this post:

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

God wants to make all things new in your life.  He wants you to release your past and move forward in Christ.  He has such great purpose for your life, but as long as the enemy keeps you bound, you'll never tap into your divine purpose.  I know, because I've been there.

Be encouraged to release the past, embrace the present, and move forward into the future.  Let this year be your year of simply moving forward in Christ.  It doesn't matter what your past looks like, because your future looks so much better!  Don't allow the enemy to continue to keep in bound by your past.  Grab hold to God's hand, let Him your hurt and your heart, and watch Him make all things new in your life.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Enjoy the song!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Trust & Obey His Instructions

I've been seeking God for peace about a parrticular situation in my life. It seems the more I seek peace, the more I feel confused and conflicted in my spirit.  Just a little while ago, I was feeling very bothered by it, so I began to whisper a prayer.  I asked, "God show me what to do about this" and He simply answered, "I've already told you what to do.  Your own understanding of what I've instructed is what's causing you conflict.  Trust and follow my plan, and you'll find peace."

When God first spoke to me about what to do concerning this situation, I initially had peace within my heart about it.  But by the time I finished analyzing God's instructions, I concluded that there was no way I had heard Him clearly, and sought out my own alternative.  I am now realizing that failing to adhere to God's directions, and choosing to follow my own, based on how I understood the situation, has turned out to be a huge mistake.

I have no peace, and God is not the author of confusion.

I'm learning that, according to our own understanding, God's plans for our lives sometimes makes no sense.  But that's because His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways.  We may not always understand why God chooses to lead us along particular paths, but I believe that if we'd just trust His plan, heed His instructions, and follow His lead, we will not only have peace within our hearts, but we will find that His way was the best way all along.

Sometimes we can get in the way of God, and think WE know what's best, but I've found out that even at my best thinking, I'm often totally wrong when it comes to trying to figure out the path God has for me.

I am encouraged to trust God with every aspect of my life, and be confident that, as long as my life is in His hands, He will never lead me wrong.

If you find yourself struggling with trusting God's instructions, I pray that you'd seek Him for a better ability to know His voice, and the courage to trust and obey His plan, no matter how you may feel about it.

I want to leave you with one of my favorite scriptures:

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding; in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6~

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spend Time In His Presence

This morning I woke up with a song on my heart that says:

There is none like you. No one else can touch my heart like you do.
I can search for all eternity Lord, and find there is none like you.

As I'm sitting here listening to Marvin Sapp's version of the song, I feel such a sweet presence surrounding me. 

God's presence. 

As the music softly plays, I'm not singing along...I'm not saying anything; I'm simply allowing my heart to commune with God, and basking in His presence. 

So calm.  So serene.  I love these moments.

Sometimes it's hard to keep my composure during these moments spent in God's presence, because my heart becomes so filled with worship.

I really love the Lord.  He's so sweet to me.

Today, I just want to encourage you to spend some time in God's presence.  There's no place like it.

Click the song below, and allow it to usher you into His presence.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Do It For the Lord

Happy New Year, everyone!  I pray that in this new year, you will be more determined than ever to love and live for God, wholeheartedly.  I want to encourage you to stay in His will, and trust Him to lead you along the path He has destined just for you.  Above all, I pray that the peace of God, the genuine love of Christ, and compassion for His people will abide in your heart each and every day.

Today's post is a little different.  I hope you won't mind.

I am one of those people that are not easily impressed, inspired, or intrigued by others.  But when I come across genuine people who possess the ability to break through the barriers of my heart, I know that they are truly sent from God.  For the past almost three years, I have been consistently inspired, impressed, and intrigued by Dianna Hobbs - a God-sent, very dear friend, and my greatest mentor.

To me, she is the epitome of a holy woman who genuinely loves God and His people, and gives her all for the upbuilding of the Kingdom.  I can't begin to tell you how much wisdom I've gleaned from her, and how much of a blessing she continues to be in my life. (It would take up too much space!)

Aside from being a wife and mother, and all she does through The Daily Cup of InspirationEEW Magazine, and Hobbs Ministries, Dianna is an amazing musical artist.  She writes and sings songs that fully uplift the Kingdom of God, and spread the unadulerated gospel of Jesus Christ.  One thing I love most about her music is that it's more than just a good beat; it carries a clear, profound message that says Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth, and the life. And she's not afraid to be uncompromising in her beliefs.

Her lastest single, "I Sing For You" (released today) reminds me all the more that whatever I do, I should do it for the Lord.  No ulterior motive...but simply because I love the Lord, and desire to glorify Him.

I love that message!

In a day when so many christians are compromising for the glitz and glamour; fame and fortune; accolades and acclaim, the message that Dianna's music sends is so needed.

As you listen to the lyrics to the song posted below, I encourage you to commit to doing all that God has purposed you to do, for no other reason, than for His glory.  It may not be singing, but whatever it is, say Lord, I'm doing it for you.

Go here to download the song.  Let's support our sister, and help her win souls to the Kingdom!

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,