Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Following God's Lead

Hey guys!

First off, I offer my sincere apologies for the inconsistency of the blog lately.  Aside from me being sick, and my youngest son Jaxon being sick (We're both fine now.), I've been in transition in a particular area of my life, and things became a bit out of whack as far as my schedule goes.  Nevertheless, everything is falling back into place and I am now adjusting to life as a stay-at-home mom.

About eight months ago, I felt like God was speaking to me about leaving the professional world to focus on home, family, and ministry.  At the time, making that type of move made absolutely no sense to me.  I honestly thought God was crazy, or I was crazy for thinking that's what God was saying to me.

I prayed and prayed for clarity, and I kept hearing the same thing; however, I still wasn't sure.  I talked to my husband Jeremy about what I felt God was leading me to do, and though he thought it would be great for the kids, logically it made no sense to him either.  Back to the drawing board I went.

I earnestly sought God about it, because though I wanted to be obedient to His leading, I also wanted to be certain that it was indeed Him leading me, to ensure that I would not make the wrong move and my family suffer as a consequence.  I mean, this was something I had never even considered.  It was definitely not the path I had in mind for my life.

After months of praying, I still had doubt.  So I decided to completely remove the thought from my mind once and for all.  I made a deal with God - Whenever I have another baby, I'll stop working.  You know God has a sense of humor, right?!  Because just a few weeks later, I found out that we were expecting.

Needless to say, I chose to heed to what I believed God was saying.  And the final push actually came from my husband.

Though there were a few rough patches and doubtful moments between then and now, here I am following God's lead.  I don't know exactly what lies ahead of me on this new path, but I do know that as long as I continue to trust God with the direction of my life, I will always be exactly where He wants me to do.  Is this a path that I would have freely chosen? No.  But I trust God, and my husband and I are happy with our decision.

So, I'm looking forward to whatever God has for me along this path.  I'm excited about what He's doing, and what He's going to do in my life!

You know, when we surrender and commit our lives to Christ, we never really know where He will lead us.  He may lead us in a direction we never thought we'd take, but if we trust Him with all of our heart, and acknowledge Him in all of our ways, that direction will always be the right direction.

For me, it's all about purpose.  Whatever I have to do to fulfill God's perfect purpose for my life, I'm willing to do.

Maybe your life has taken a turn you never expected.  Or perhaps you feel God tugging at your heart to change course in a particular area of your life.  I encourage you to seek His face for clarity and direction, wait for an answer, then follow His lead. 

There is no such thing as regret when you know you are led by The Holy Spirit.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

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