Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Erase The Doubt

This morning I woke up with some things on my mind.  I was thinking about some of the promises the Lord has spoken over my life, and how it seems like I've been waiting forever for a few of them to manifest.  Before my feet hit the floor, I could feel a huge cloud of doubt beginning to hover over me.  And just that quick, I was beginning to feel a little down in my spirit. For a minute I thought that maybe God had changed His mind about doing what He said He'd do, and that cloud of doubt became heavier and heavier by the second. 

I needed to hear from the Lord.  As I stilled myself in His presence, and cried out to Him from my heart, the Holy Spirit led me to Numbers 23:19 which says, "God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"

God's voice spoke loud and clear to me from the pages of His word.  Though I thought I'd feel immediate comfort by what I'd read, instead I felt convicted.  It was as if I could see God shaking His head at me, saying "Oh ye of little faith."   I had to repent.  I doubted Him when He's proven Himself time and time again to be faithful to me. 

Once I repented, His words soothed my doubts.  His embrace reminded me that He's got me, and He hasn't changed His mind about His promises concerning my life, and just as always, His faithfulness will prevail.  That made me smile.  I love my Father so much.  He's always reassuring me when He doesn't have to.

My Father's love and faithfulness shined through, and that cloud of doubt had no choice but to go away. His word erased it. I'm confident that, in His perfect and precious timing, He will fulfill every promise to me.

He does not lie.

He  cannot change His mind.

He shall not speak and not act.

He will not promise and not fulfill.

He is faithful.

You can believe that if He said it in His word, He is going to do it.  Be encouraged by Isaiah 40:8, "The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” 

Thanks for reading. May you live in His love.


  1. This is so powerful! This has been such a difficult year for me but I KNOW that all things work out for the good of those who love (and seek) the Lord. Thank you again for your encouraging words!

  2. Really Blessed words!Amen to That!God bless you!

  3. God is forever faithful. Good work.


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