Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Word For You...

This morning while cleaning the kitchen I had my praise & worship mix going, having myself a grand time with the Lord.  Those moments are the best, aren't they?  Well, in the midst of my worship I heard the voice of God so clearly.  It was so clear that I looked around to see if someone else had magically appeared in the kitchen with me.  He imparted a word in my spirit, and I believe in my heart that it's specifically for someone reading this blog today.

The Lord says:

"Your pain has not been in vain. The things you have endured in life were so that I could strengthen and mature you. The people who have hurt you, and are not/have not been in your life are incapable of understanding who I have destined you to be, and are therefore an unnecessary component to you reaching your full potential in Christ. Let them go. Let go of your pain, shame, guilt, and disappointments of yesterday, for they are only hindrances used by the enemy to keep you shackled in your mind. Declare today, 'I have the mind and spirit of Christ, and in Him I am to live, free to love, free to launch into my destiny.' Your best days are ahead, but you'll never see them if you keep looking back, or continue to allow yourself to be stuck where you are. If you take my hand and fully give me your heart, your worries, your cares, your fears, your insecurities...I will give you peace, joy, grace, and life more abundantly." 

Whoever you are, I pray that this word from the Lord connects with your spirit, and empowers and encourages you today.


~May you live in His love.~


  1. Bless God! I have been going through some things at my church and this has has truely encouraged me!! I don't care what anybody says because God always takes care of me, fights my battles and answers my prayers!

  2. Praise God, I guess that was for you, Dreci!~~

  3. Thanks so much. I "randomly" found your blog. I had just finished a prayer session where I asked God to reveal to me my identity. I found out I was deeply hurt and wounded. Then I found this blog. I'm now seeking the strategies not to look back because I need to press on for God's purpose.


I appreciate your comment. Peace and Blessings to you!