Monday, January 3, 2011

Do It For the Lord

Happy New Year, everyone!  I pray that in this new year, you will be more determined than ever to love and live for God, wholeheartedly.  I want to encourage you to stay in His will, and trust Him to lead you along the path He has destined just for you.  Above all, I pray that the peace of God, the genuine love of Christ, and compassion for His people will abide in your heart each and every day.

Today's post is a little different.  I hope you won't mind.

I am one of those people that are not easily impressed, inspired, or intrigued by others.  But when I come across genuine people who possess the ability to break through the barriers of my heart, I know that they are truly sent from God.  For the past almost three years, I have been consistently inspired, impressed, and intrigued by Dianna Hobbs - a God-sent, very dear friend, and my greatest mentor.

To me, she is the epitome of a holy woman who genuinely loves God and His people, and gives her all for the upbuilding of the Kingdom.  I can't begin to tell you how much wisdom I've gleaned from her, and how much of a blessing she continues to be in my life. (It would take up too much space!)

Aside from being a wife and mother, and all she does through The Daily Cup of InspirationEEW Magazine, and Hobbs Ministries, Dianna is an amazing musical artist.  She writes and sings songs that fully uplift the Kingdom of God, and spread the unadulerated gospel of Jesus Christ.  One thing I love most about her music is that it's more than just a good beat; it carries a clear, profound message that says Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth, and the life. And she's not afraid to be uncompromising in her beliefs.

Her lastest single, "I Sing For You" (released today) reminds me all the more that whatever I do, I should do it for the Lord.  No ulterior motive...but simply because I love the Lord, and desire to glorify Him.

I love that message!

In a day when so many christians are compromising for the glitz and glamour; fame and fortune; accolades and acclaim, the message that Dianna's music sends is so needed.

As you listen to the lyrics to the song posted below, I encourage you to commit to doing all that God has purposed you to do, for no other reason, than for His glory.  It may not be singing, but whatever it is, say Lord, I'm doing it for you.

Go here to download the song.  Let's support our sister, and help her win souls to the Kingdom!

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

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