Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Prayer for You...

Today, I simply want to share prayer with you.  As we embark upon a new year in just a couple of days, there are many people who are excited and ready to leave all their baggage behind and start fresh; however, there are those whose hurt and pain has been so severe this year, and they feel that there is no way to simply let it go and move forward.  While many are rejoicing as the clock strikes midnight, some will be crying and yet hurting, weighed down by the pain of their past.  Here's my prayer for you:

Lord, today I pray for those who have experienced severe pain in 2010.  Maybe they've lost a loved one; lost their job or home; their marriage ended in divorce;  they received a serious diagnosis that threatens to take their life; or maybe they just can't seem to win for losing.  I send a word of healing and peace to every person reading this that may be experiencing pain caused by the situations of life.  I ask that you would give them comfort, and let them know that you feel their pain, and are able to heal every hurt.  Help them to believe that although this year has been rough, the upcoming year has the potential to be their best year yet.  Remind them of your faithfulness, and the fact that all things work together for good to them that love you and are called according to your purpose, and that you have great purpose for their lives.  Help them to realize that with each new day comes a new beginning.  I ask that you would help them to embrace their new beginning, and give them the strength to let go of the pain of their past and move forward in you.  I pray that you'd give them a testimony of your goodness, your mercy, and your great grace.  Work in their lives according to your perfect will.  In Jesus' name, amen.

God has the power to make all things new.  Trust Him to heal you hurt, renew your mind, and give you peace that surpasses all understanding.  Make steps towards moving forward so that 2011 will be a better year for you. 

Enjoy the song posted below!

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Gift of Love

It's Christmas Eve!  I know a lot of you are busy with last minute shopping, cleaning, cooking, and gift-wrapping.  I love this time of year, though I haven't always been able to say that.  I come from an untraditional family, and holidays were never really a big deal.  Being raised by my grandmother, who was on a fixed income, there really wasn't much she could afford to do for me, so Christmas was often just another day to me. But, more than any gift my sweet granny could have afforded to give me, the one thing I longed for most was that feeling of family love and togetherness.

I remember 11 years ago when I met my husband, and we spent our first holiday together as a couple.  It just so happened to be Christmas.  He took me over to his parent's home, where he and all of his siblings grew up, and the house was filled with family members, loads of food, and Christmas decor.  It was filled with laughter, love, and togetherness. I remember thinking, "These people are weird. Who does this?"  And every holiday that followed was the exact same way.

I wasn't accustomed to family togetherness, and it was foreign to me to see families actually operating in traditions.  It took me a very long time to adjust to the fact that his family was so close, and made it a point to keep their tradition of family togetherness flowing; and not only on holidays, but all throughout the year.

Having my own family now, consisting of my husband Jeremy, and our sons Joseph and Jaxon, I find that I have developed a new love and meaning for family togetherness.  Whether spending holidays with my husband's family, or doing our own intimate thing with just the four of us, we have vowed to give our children holiday memories that they can cherish forever.  I don't want my sons to ever feel the way I felt as a child.  I want them to know and value the importance of family, and experience love and togetherness every single day of their lives.

As we all prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, let us all embrace the true meaning of family unity.  It's not about the gifts under the tree, but the love that should freely flow from heart to heart.

From my family to yours, I pray that this holiday season will be one filled with the love and togetherness of family.  You may not get that perfect gift, and you may not have been able to buy gifts for those special people in your life, but know that no material gift can replace the gift that Jesus teaches us to give - unconditional love.  This Christmas, give the gift of love.  It's the gift that keeps on giving.

Merry Christmas!

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Finding Balance...

I have been SO busy lately; it seems like I can barely even find time to breathe.  I am being pulled in many different directions, and though it can appear to be a bit much sometimes, I know that God is leading me into new territory, and further revealing His plan of purpose for my life.

Since I know that everything most of the things vying for my attention lately, have been placed in my path by God, I am confident that He has already given me the grace and wherewithal to handle it.

One thing I have really been asking for in my prayer time is balance.  I don't want to give too much here, and not enough there.  I desire to be able to effectively give all that is required of me in every area of my life. For example, I do not want to be so focused on work and ministry obligations, that my husband and children are neglected, and vice versa. 

When things are out of balance it causes chaos, confusion, and frustration.  I have definitely experienced that within the past few weeks.  But I thank God that He hears my simple prayer of "Lord, help me find balance."

Now, I can't say that I've found that perfect balance just yet, but I know that as I continue to seek God, He will definitely bring me to that place.

As women, we wear so many hats.  If you're anything like me, no matter how many hats you may, or may not, wear, you simply want to wear them all well.  And we should pray for wisdom to know what hats we simply cannot wear.

I encourage you to join me as I seek God for balance, and work towards finding that happy medium.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Friday, December 17, 2010

Victory In Jesus

Hey y'all! (Can you tell I'm from the deep south?!) LOL!

I know you guys have been praying for me, because I am feeling a lot better.  I'm not quite back to feeling 100%, but I'm well on my way.  Somebody give Him praise and tell 'em "Thank ya!"

There are a few things I could worry, gripe, and complain about today.  Instead I choose to turn it all over to the Lord, trust Him, and keep a smile on my face and a praise in my heart.  Life is life, and it's filled with unpleasurable moments, but that's no reason for me to get all bent outta shape, and worry sick.  I've seen God work out too many situations for me to stop trusting Him now.  He's been faithful to me, and I vow to be faithful to Him in return. 

If there's one thing I know about God, it's that He always has my back...always.  That's one reason I love Him so much.  He's always there; always concerned; always working things out...gotta love 'em.

Today, as I spent some time in God's presence and allowed my heart to cry out to Him, He spoke to my heart and said:  Though the enemy may try to magnetize your problems and make them seem bigger than you can handle, I have supreme power; I am soveriegn, and there is nothing too great for me to handle. You have the victory.

How awesome is that?! 

Since you and I serve a supreme God, there is no need to worry about a thing.  That old raggedy devil may as well step back, because Jehovah Nissi reigns in victory, and as joint-heirs with Christ we have access to every promise written in the word of God.

Today, join me in shouting from the mountaintop that I HAVE THE VICTORY THROUGH CHRIST JESUS!! 

There's an old congregational that comes to mind:

In the name of Jesus, In the name of Jesus
We have the victory.

In the name of Jesus, In the name of Jesus
Satan, you have to flee.

Tell me who can stand before us
when we call on that great name?
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus
we have the victory!

Do I have any believers out there?

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

He'll Replenish You

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

You guys should see me as I'm typing this.  I'm pecking on the keyboard as if I'm just learning how to type.  Why?  It all started at about 2AM, when my stomach started to act really crazy.  My head began to pound, and I broke out in cold sweats. I'll spare you all the gory details, but I'm very weak today, and even the smallest activity seems to make me feel overexerted. 

Thank God for my husband who got the boys ready and off to their perspective places this morning, because mommy just could not do it today.  Needless to say, I've been in bed all day trying to recuperate, and regain my strength.

If you will, say a little prayer for me...that I'll be back to feeling 100% very soon.  In the meantime, I'm going to rest in God, and rely on Him to renew my strength.

Are you feeling a bit weak today?  Maybe not physically, but spiritually or emotionally.  If that happens to be you, I encourage you to take some time to rest in God.  Let His word and His presence replenish you in whatever area of weakness you may be experiencing.  I know He'll do it, and when He does, you'll feel much stronger than you did before.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Monday, December 13, 2010

Doesn't Matter What They Say...

I work with troubled teenagers.  I never really considered myself as someone who would enjoy working with children, especially those deemed troubled, but I absolutely love it.  It is quite fulfilling to me to have the opportunity to make even the slightest difference in a child's life, particularly those who have been counted as nothing more than a mere statistic.  Some of them have been told that they'll never amount to anything.

I can remember a time in my life when I felt that I was just a nobody, and my life had no meaning.  That is one of the worst feelings in the world.  I thank God for how He has transformed my mind, and is showing me that He has divine purpose for my life.

I pray that I can help the teenagers I work with to believe that there is great purpose for their lives, and inspire them to be the best that they can be, no matter what odds are stacked against them.  I want them to know it doesn't matter what they say, because God always has the final say.  And He is capable of taking every wrong in our lives and make it right.

Just because you've made a few wrong turns does not mean you are incapable of getting on the right path.  You have the power to rise above any statistic or stereotype that has been thrown your way.

I encourage you to trust that God has a plan of purpose for your life, and commit to doing all that you can in making strides towards becoming a better you.

Forget about the naysayers; their words hold no merit.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

God's Sweet Embrace

This week seems to be dragging by.  I probably feel that way because the enemy has been trying his hardest to discourage me on so many levels within the past few days.  I know that it's his job to try to distract, disturb, and ultimately, destroy me, but sometimes I wish he would just leave me alone.  I do realize, however, that as long as I live a life committed to pleasing God and walking in His purpose for my life, that old devil is going to always stay on my back.  No worries though, because I'm in this thing for the long haul, and nothing he throws my way will stop me.

Yes, I definitely get a little frustrated sometimes, but God always intervenes with His perfect peace.  You know, for every discouragement the enemy has thrown my way this week, God has sent encouragement.  I love how He always sends little subtle messages to let me know He's got my back.  I love Him so much.

On top of not feeling well today, I've been feeling some kind of way emotionally, but on my drive home from work I could feel God's presence sweetly embracing me.  In that moment, I couldn't stop the tears from falling from my eyes.  I was so deeply touched by how God knew exactly what I needed without me ever saying a word.  I love how concerned He is about every little thing that concerns me.  He's so sweet to me.

Today, I just want to tell you to not even worry your pretty little head about what the enemy is trying to do to discourage you.  Instead, just rest in God's sweet embrace.  You'll find everything you need right there in His arms.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Serenity in Silence...

I am a naturally quiet person, and I enjoy silence.  Too much noise for a long period of time, and I'm itching for some quiet time.  I try to make sure I get some quiet time in every night before going to bed.  It's that time when my husband and sons are asleep, the TVs are off, cell phone and computer is powered down, and it's just me and complete silence.  Some people tell me that too much silence makes them feel weird, but for me it's one of the most relaxing and refreshing times of my day.  Without my quiet time, I feel often flustered and frustrated.

There is something about the serenity of silence that calms, soothes, and relaxes me. It's in those times that I talk to God with my heart, and I feel the sweetness of His embrace. refreshing.  Who needs the spa?!

When my days are crazy, and my thoughts are overwhelming, I can always steal away to a quiet place, light a few candles, and relax in Christ.   Such rejuvenation.

Life can often be a bit noisy, so today I encourage you to find a quiet place and enjoy the silence.  No TV, phone, computers, music...nothing.  Just complete silence.  I bet you'll feel so refreshed afterwards.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Friday, December 3, 2010

Control Your Response

Today has been quite a day!!

I was purposely insulted and disrespected (First behind my back, then directly in my face!), and so upset to point that I could have blown steam from my ears.  I was ready to go ALL the way OFF!  So, when it came time to address the issue, guess what I did?  I lost my cool and let them have it!!  I whispered a little prayer, and got my point across while maintaining my composure and wearing a smile.  By the end of the meeting, they were apologizing.

I'm typically very calm and cool, but there are times when my temperature definitely rises.  In those times, though I could become angry and allow my emotions to drive me, I try to always maintain christian character and control the way I respond to problems.  I believe there is a graceful way to handle any situation.

It's not always easy to take the high road when someone rubs you the wrong way, and initially it may seem like a good idea to go tit for tat, but when you really think about it, it's pointless.  And at the end of the day, as a  Christian, you will be seen as the one who should've known better.

There will definitely be times when you will feel angry and upset, that's not the issue.  What matters is your response to those feelings.  No matter how something or someone may anger me, or you, I believe that we possess the ability to control the way we respond in any given situation, and we are to exemplify Christ in all things, at all times.

Today's upset taught me that though I may feel like rounding up the troops and going to war, I don't have to act on impulse and end up regretting losing my cool.  Instead, I can pray about it and, and allow the Holy Spirit that dwells within me to take control and help me to choose a better response.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In Love With Jesus

Today, my heart is overwhelmed with emotion.  Not because anything is wrong, but simply because I am so in love with Jesus. There are no words that could adequately convey how much I love Him.

He's so sweet to me...the lover of my soul.  Just thinking about Him makes me smile...

Falling in love with Jesus has been the absolute best thing I have ever done!

Though there are a million things I could say about why I love Him so much, today I just want to share a song with you.  It captures exactly where my heart is...Enjoy!

Monday, November 29, 2010

He's Waiting On You...

Hi everybody!  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  Mine was absolutely wonderful!  Can you believe we're gearing up for Christmas, and the year is almost over?!  Time sure does fly.

Today has been one of those days when things have been a bit off schedule, but I could not let the day go by without sharing divine words with you.  It's a little late in the afternoon, but a good word from the Lord is always right on time, amen?!

Today, I believe God wants you to know that you've been in this place long enough.  It's time for you to come out.  In fact, He wants to bring you out.  So why won't He just bring you out already?  Glad you asked.

He's waiting on you.  What do I mean?  Glad you asked that, too.

He's waiting on you to dry your eyes, stop showing up to those pity parties, pull yourself together, and make up your mind that enough is enough. 

He's waiting on you to stop fighting against the refining process He's taking you through, and seek Him for what He's trying to teach you.

He's waiting on you to submit your will to His, completely surrendering your all to Him, so that His glory may be revealed in and through you.

He's waiting on you to stop seeking advice from everybody besides Him. God wants you to learn to fall on your face before Him, and seek Him for direction. He is the only one who can truly direct your path.

He's waiting on you to stop complaining and cursing, and start praying and praising.

He is waiting on you to realize that there is great purpose for your life, and everything you are going through was divinely orchestrated by God to prepare you for your place of purpose. He's waiting on you to embrace the truth that all things work together for good to them that love Him and are called according to His purpose.

God is waiting on you to trust and believe that because The Greater One lives inside of you, you have been equipped with the power to overcome any situation that arises in your life.

He's waiting on you...

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Think About the Little Things...

It's Thanksgiving week, and I am so excited!  I LOVE to's one my absolute favorite pasttimes.  There's something about being in the kitchen that brings me joy.  Though I'm not doing it up like I did last year by cooking all the fixings, (I'm making gumbo and baking cakes!) I am so ready to get in cook mode.

Today, I'm just thankful for the little things that bring me so much joy.  God has done some amazing things in my life this year, and my thankful list is overflowing.

It's so easy to get caught up in the every day hustle and bustle of life that we sometimes forget to remember the little things that bring us happiness. 

The bright smiles on my sons' faces when they wake up in the morning fill my heart with so much joy.

The Good Morning text message I get from a close friend every morning warms my heart and makes me smile.

The "Babe, that was delicious!" my husband belts out after every meal makes me feel all bubbly inside.

Sometimes, all you need to do is take a moment to think about the little things to lighten a heavy heart, or brighten a dark day.

Are you thinking?

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Don't Just Ignore It

I have had a nagging headache all day today.  Had I taken something at the onset of it, I probably wouldn't be in so much pain right now.  As someone who has had migraines for years, you'd think I'd know better than to let a headache go unattended, because the longer I ignore it, the worse it gets.  I know, I know...just pray for me.

Similarly, in life we sometimes ignore discomforting situations hoping that they will magically disappear, only to find that the more we leave it unattended, the worse it becomes.  But if only we'd do our part to rectify the problem at the onset of it, we can probably save ourselves a whole lot of pain.

If there is a problem in your life that you've been ignoring for a while, I encourage you to address it.  Though life's situations are much more serious than a headache, don't do like I'm doing with this migraine and just let it continue to get worse. 

Pray and ask God to help you address it, so that you can make steps towards healing.  As for me, I'm going to take something for my pain, and rest a while...that is, if my energetic 16 month old, Jaxon, will allow it.

Enjoy your weekend!

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Transitioning and Letting Go...

Hi Divine Words family!  I have missed you guys since last Friday.  I'm in a transition with my job, and things have been a little out of sorts.  Nevertheless, I've learned a great lesson from it all.

I'm in the process of transitioning from one job position to another.  My new position required that I move my work space to a different location.  Anybody who's ever had to relocate, whether to a new home or office space, knows that it takes a minute before everything is in order and put into its perspective place.

While packing up my old office, there were a few things I had to get rid of, because there was no real need for it in my new office.  There were things I needed for my old position, that are unnecessary for where I am now.  Dragging those things along would have only created clutter, and limited my work space. 

This gave me revelation about how God is transitioning me spiritually, and removing some things and people from my life.  He revealed to me that not everyone, or everything, is a necessary part of where He's taking me. There are some people who don't understand my new position in Christ; therefore, trying to drag them along this transition with me would only create clutter, and limit God's work space in my life. 

Sometimes, you've got to get rid of some people in your life in order to allow God to have full access to your heart and mind.  Every now and then, it'll be those that are closest to you.  I've had to remind myself that I am not supposed to have a lifetime connection to everyone that is in my life.  God places people in our lives for different reasons, and sometimes it's only for a few seasons.

It definitely hurts when God begins to remove people from your life, because at the surface, it seems that those people that were closest to you are becoming your enemies.  But in reality, it all just God's way of clearing up some space so that He can fully use you for His glory.

You know, God is perfect in all of His ways, and I have come to realize that there is purpose in every single thing He allows to happen in our lives.  Transition is not always an easy process, but it's definitely one that is a necessary part of growth.  I don't know about you, but I never want to stop growing in Christ.  So, as hard as it may sometimes be, I am willing to let go of whatever, or whoever I need to in order to continue to go forth in Him.

Trust that God knows what and who is best for you.  Though the transition may be a little rough at times, if you'd just allow God to have His perfect work in you, you'll look back and realize that it was all for your good, and for His glory.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace & Blessings,

Friday, November 12, 2010

It's A God-Move

About a month ago, I wrote a blog post entitled Don't Move Until You're Sure, talking about how I believed that God was tugging at my heart to make some changes in a particular area of my life, but I wasn't sure of the exact changes He wanted me to make.  Though I was anxious to make the move I felt God was leading me to, I wanted to be completely sure that not only was I making a good move, but a God move.

I prayed and prayed, then prayed some more.  The stronger the tugging at my heart became, the more I prayed for direction and clarity.  Well, I'm happy to say that God has given me clear direction, and has worked things out with ease.  I didn't even have to do what I originally thought I needed to do (which probably would've made a mess of things).  Instead, all I had to do was pray and wait on God. 

I can clearly see that God's hand has orchestrated this transition, and I'm so excited about how He's working things out according to His perfect plan for my life.  I now know, without a doubt, that this move is a God move, and I couldn't be happier.

It's so important that we wait on God before making life-altering decisions, or any decision.  When our steps are ordered by the Lord, we can walk with surety in knowing that we are heading in the right direction.

Today, I encourage you to trust God with every detail of your life.  When you do so, you won't have to worry about jumping ahead of Him, or being outside of His perfect will for your life. Don't let your next move be merely a good move, but pray and wait for clarity and direction so that it will be a God move!

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace and Blessings,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's A Spiritual Fight

Happy Wednesday!  I missed you guys Monday. :-( 

This has been quite an off-schedule, unpredicatble week for me, and the enemy has been coming against me from so many angles.  I have been in some serious warfare these past three days!!  Though last evening I felt a bit frustrated, I'm joyful in knowing that God has already given me the power to tread upon the enemy.  He is under my feet, and I'm stomping all over his old raggedy head! *insert eye and neck roll* LOL!!

You know, I'm learning that anytime you give God a sincere "Yes" the devil is going to do his best to try to make you regret it, and recant.  But today I am serving him notice that his every attack only adds more fuel to my fire for Christ.  He only reassures me that I am in line with God's purpose for my life, and motivates me all the more to keep on truckin' in Jesus' name.  Silly rabbit!

A couple of weeks ago when my husband and I came home to find our home had been burglarized, I spoke with a friend via email about what had transpired.  She said something that had me sending her a virtual hi-five.  She wrote, "...the devil needs to know that you belong to God and you will not be bullied, intimidated, or scared away from your purpose because of his schemes."  Yes, yes, yes!!!

This is exactly the stance we need to take with the enemy when he tries his darndest to sway us from fulfilling God purpose of our lives.  We must declare that NO WEAPON formed against us will prosper, and put the devil right back in his place.  One thing I have learned is that he only has as much power in my life as I allow him to have.  If I activate the power of God's word and use it against him, though he may frustrate me, he won't be able to destroy me. Amen?

This is my message to you today: Do not sit back and allow the enemy to bully, intimidate, or scare you away from your purpose.  Don't fight with the situation, or those around you, because your fight is not in the natural; it's a spiritual fight - "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  (Ephesians 6:12)

Put your war clothes on (Ephesians 6:10-18) and go to spiritual battle.

One thing is certain, it's a fixed fight and in the end, God's children always win!

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace and Blessing,

Friday, November 5, 2010

Seek His Presence

Happy Friday guys!!  Quick post...

There are three things I live by - Prayer, Fasting, Studying God's Word.  I like to call it Keisha's Fool-Proof Combination.  (I often make mention of it in my articles for EEW Magazine.)  I live by this because, it's the perfect combination for me to get into the presence of God.  

The more I work this formula, the closer I become to God, and I love it because I don't think I can ever be too close to Him.  Amen?  My heart's desire is that God's presence is always prevalent in my life.  You know, I long for those moments when I can steal away, and seek His face.  There's nothing that fulfills me more than resting in the presence of God. 

I don't know about you, but I don't want a mere once-a-week experience with Christ. I desire a committed relationship with Him.  One that brings experience, after experience, after experience...

I have found that praying, fasting, and studying God's word allows me the opportunity to experience God's presence over, and over, and over again.  I've found healing, deliverance, restoration, hope, joy, peace...all through my fool-proof combination.

One thing I have found to be true is that if you draw nigh to Him, He will indeed draw nigh to you. (James 4:8a)

Today, I just want to encourage you to seek more of God's can never have enough of Him. 

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace and Blessings,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

God's Divine Protection

Last Friday evening, my husband Jeremy got home from work to find that our home had been burglarized.  I can't describe the feeling I had just knowing that someone had been in our home, uninvited.  I felt violated to say the least.  I have to admit that, the following night when my husband had to go on an overnight trip, I allowed fear to overtake me, and I did not sleep a wink.  I was afraid that the intruders may come back.

The next day during my morning meditation, the Holy Spirit led me to Psalm 91, and it blessed me immensely.  So glad that I can always find comfort in God's word.  I am thanking God for reminding me of His divine protection.  I just thought I'd share this passage with you today...

1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. 3 For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.

4 He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. 5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. 6 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.

7 Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. 8 Just open your eyes, and see how the wicked are punished.  9 If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, 10 no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home.

11 For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. 12 They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone. 13 You will trample upon lions and cobras; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet! 14 The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. 15 When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.  16 I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”

Friday, October 29, 2010

It Makes Sense Now...

For the past couple of months, I've been counseling a young lady who has become very dear to my heart.  Everytime she opens up to me about things she's dealing with, it's almost as if I'm looking in the mirror.  Her struggles were once my struggles; her pain was once my pain; her story was once my story.  I talked to her a little while ago via email, and as I read what she had to say, my eyes filled with tears.  In that moment I realized that the pain and struggles I went through were all apart of God's purpose for my life, and He is now using my pain to bring healing and hope to others.

What I thought was pointless suffering has turned out to be all worth it. 

I am almost at a loss for words, because I am in complete awe of God.  My heart is overwhelmed with thanksgiving.  If you only knew how many times I wanted to give up and walk away from God because I felt that I couldn't handle the pain. And now, to be using that same pain to bring hope and healing to other women...WOW!!  It amazes me that there are women reaching out to me for help, when I often felt helpless and had no hope.

I am so humbled just knowing that God had his hand on me all those years when I was lost and confused.  When I wanted to walk away and give up, He wouldn't let me because He knew the plans He had for me down the road.  I never thought my life would make sense, but now, it does.  God was preparing me for purpose all along. 

He's connected me to some amazing people, (my purpose partners) who pray with me, and inspire, encourage, motivate, and support me along my path to purpose.  I am so thankful for those who saw the best in me when I could only see the worst.

I am completely amazed at how God continuously shows me that His hand is always present in my life.

I know, without a doubt, that God has a divine mandate on my life to inspire, encourage and uplift everyday women to know their worth, and love themselves the way Christ does.

Excuse me while I give God a praise...

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace and Blessings,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Always Do Your Best

Yesterday my 2nd grade son, Joey, brought home his report card.  He made all A's and a B.  Though I'm always proud of him for maintaining excellent grades, I was exceptionally proud of the he made.  Here's why...

About a month ago his teacher sent home a mid-quarter progress report, and I noticed that he had a C in Math.  This raised an eyebrow, because he's always on his A-game.  When I questioned him about his grade, his reply was, "Mama, I just don't like Math. It's boring." 

"Well, just because you don't like Math does not mean that you're not supposed to do your best.  Do you think this is your best, or can you do better?" I responded.  With slumped shoulders and a whiny voice, he answered, "I can do better."

After speaking with his teacher, who confirmed that he doesn't like Math due to the fact that he goes to La-La land during that subject, I learned what areas we needed to focus on.  So, every evening he and I would do Math worksheets together.  As a result of his hard work, despite the fact that Math is still his least favorite subject, he managed to pull his grade up by putting his best foot forward.  You should've seen the smile on his face as he handed me his report card yesterday.  As I planted a million kisses all over his face, I said to him, "I knew you could do it. Always do your best no matter what."

The moral of the story is this:  Situations will arise in life that you don't particularly care for; nevertheless, you must always put your best foot forward.  When you do your best, despite how you feel, you'll reap the best results.

See you Friday!

Live, laugh, love!!

Peace and Blessings,

Friday, October 22, 2010

Quick Note

Hey everyone!

I've been battling a cold for a couple days...not feeling my best today.  However, I cannot pass up the opportunity to share encouragement and inspiration with you just because my head hurts, I can't breath out of my nose, and I'm coughing, sneezing and having chills.  Nooo, I can't do that! LOL! Y'all pray for a sista.

I want you guys to know that there's purpose in every thing you go through.  As a close friend recently shared with me, Your pain is/was not in vain.

So count it all joy, and when the time comes, don't be afraid to share your pain with others.  You never know whose breakthrough is attached to your openness.

Yes, it may hurt right now, but it's all for the greater good.  Hang in there!

See ya Monday...prayerfully feeling much better.

Til we meet, laugh, love.

Peace and Blessings,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Guidelines for Holy Living

Happy Wednesday!

I have a passage of scripture I'd like to share with you today.  It helps to keep me grounded in my desire to live Holy before Christ.  Enjoy!

Colossians 3:1-17, NIV

Rules for Holy Living

1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

5Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.7You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.

12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace and Blessings,

Monday, October 18, 2010

Yesterday Is History

The mistakes you made yesterday do not define who you are today, or what you shall be tomorrow.

God dropped that in my spirit a little while ago, so I just thought I'd share it with you today. 

Do not predicate the success of your life on the mistakes you made yesterday.  Yes, you may still feel the consequences of your wrong choices, but God has wiped your slate clean.  He's not holding anything over your head...He has tossed it all into the sea of forgetfulness.

Today is a new day, and tomorrow has the potential to be even better.  God has nothing less than the best for you.  And, deserve it, because the blood of the lamb makes you worthy. 

Don't allow yesterday's mistakes to hold you hostage another day. Embrace each new day as a new beginning, move forward, and reach for the stars!

Til we meet, laugh, love.

Peace and Blessings,

Friday, October 15, 2010

Expect Great Things

Monday morning, I woke up feeling excited and refreshed.  I shared on my Facebook wall that I was expecting great blessings this week.  I honestly believed in my heart that God was going to do something great for me this week.  There were some things I had placed before Him, and when I woke up Monday morning I knew that by the week's end, God was going to manifest His promise to me.  There was also a scripture and a song on my heart to go along with what I was feeling.  The scripture is Ephesians 3:20 - "Now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." The song - "Expect the Great" by Jonathan Nelson.

By Wednesday, nothing extraordinary had occured, but my expectations were still at an all time high.  I was already praising God in advance.  Well, by Wednesday's end, God had proven to me, yet again, that He is faithful to perform His word.  He blessed me beyond my expectations.

I shared this for two reasons - to remind you that God is faithful and will always keep His word, and to encourage you to keep believing in whatever it is you're expecting God to do in your life.

When you live uprightly before Him, no good thing will be withheld from you, as long as it lines up with His will.  Never stop believing, never stop expecting God to do great things for you.  He will show Himself strong in your life.  Expect great things everyday of your life, and go ahead and praise Him in advance.  Lift your hands and tell Him "Thank ya!"

Enjoy your weekend...and the song posted below!

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace and Blessings,

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trust In The Lord...

Hi guys! I really hate that I missed blogging yesterday, because I LOVE sharing with you the things that God put on my heart.  For those of you who may be new to the blog, I post fresh, divine words every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Looking forward to being able to share encouragement and inspiration with you!

There's a scripture that's been on my heart all week.  One that I live by on a daily basis:

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  ~Proverbs 3:5-6~

I am a firm believer in the fact that if you trust in God, not lean to your own understanding, and acknowledge Him in ALL your ways, He will indeed direct your path.

I know because He's proven it to me over and over again.

Only God knows the plans for your life, so if you'd consult Him before making decisions, He will surely lead you along the right path.  It's so easy to do things according to how we understand, but even at our best thinking, we're bound to make a mistake.

I encourage you to trust in the Lord with your whole heart and allow Him to lead you.  His navigation system is world class; He'll never steer you wrong.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace and Blessings,

Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't Move Until You're Sure

Lately, God has been tugging at my heart to make some changes.  Some changes I've already made and some I'm in the process of making. I have felt such a push to make a move in a particular area of my life, but it doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to me, in the fact that there are some missing pieces to the puzzle.  Though I'd already decided to seek God and wait for clarity, last evening I emailed a dear friend about it.  Not knowing that she'd been in my position before, she gave me some very sound advice.  She said:

"...if you don't know with 100% certainty, and you don't see clear provision for that decision, don't make a move."

She shared with me how, at one point in her life, she jumped ahead of God when she believed that He was calling her to make some changes.  Her premature move turned out to be a huge mistake, and it took her and her family quite some time to recover from it.

Though I want to adhere to God's plan for my life, I never want to become so overly excited and eager to walk in His purpose for my life that I jump ahead of His plan, and end up with a disastrous mess on my hands.  I am so grateful for the advice my friend shared with me in her email, because it encouraged me all the more to not make a move until I am absolutely sure that this is a move indeed divinely orchestrated by God, and clear provision is set in place.

When you believe God is leading you to do something, it's easy to become antsy and feel that you're ready to hit the ground running, but it is so very imperative that you seek God for clear direction and provision to support your decision.  Until you're absolutely sure that you're sure, it's best that you don't make a move.

The last thing you want to do is jump ahead of God, and end up dealing with a major setback.  Whether in business, relationships, investments or any other area, don't move on what you feel you're being led to do until everything is crystal clear.  Yes, faith is believing in what you don't necessarily see, but foolish faith is like driving a car're bound to crash. Pray for clarity, and wait until you receive it.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace and Blessings,

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Blessings of Obedience

Happy Friday!  Today, I just want to share a passage of scripture with you. 

So many people think that there's some magical way to obtain the blessings of God, when all it takes is obedience.  Enjoy!

Deuteronomy 28:1-14, NLT

Blessings for Obedience

“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world. 2 You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God:  3 Your towns and your fields will be blessed. 4 Your children and your crops
will be blessed. The offspring of your herds and flocks will be blessed.

5 Your fruit baskets and breadboards will be blessed. 6 Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed. 7 “The Lord will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven!

8 “The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything you do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.  9 “If you obey the commands of the Lord your God and walk in his ways, the Lord will establish you as his holy people as he swore he would do. 10 Then all the nations of the world will see that you are a people claimed by the Lord, and they will stand in awe of you.

11 “The Lord will give you prosperity in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you, blessing you with many children, numerous livestock, and abundant crops. 12 The Lord will send rain at the proper time from his rich treasury in the heavens and will bless all the work you do. You will lend to many nations, but you will never need to borrow from them. 13 If you listen to these commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today, and if you carefully obey them, the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always be on top and never at the bottom. 14 You must not turn away from any of the commands I am giving you today, nor follow after other gods and worship them.

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace and Blessings,

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Suffocating You...

Last night my son, Jaxon, had trouble breathing through his nose.  This caused a problem for him, because he absolutely refused to take his pacifier out of his mouth. *Note to self:  My next child will not use a pacifier.* With his nose completely stopped up, and his mouth plugged, you can imagine how irritable he became with not being able to breath properly.  I don't think I slept a wink last night.

In his little mind, he didn't understand that by removing the pacifer, he'd be able to breath a little better.  All he knew is that he wanted his paci, and even if it meant he couldn't breath, he was not letting it go.  Because of this, he had a very rough night...and so did I. 

As adults, we can be just like little Jaxon, refusing to let go of things that keep us from breathing...only difference is that we know better.  Because we grow so accustomed to and dependent upon something, or someone, we refuse to let it go even knowing it's a hindrance.

As a result we suffer, and it affects those who sincerely try to help us.

Ask yourself, what am I holding on to that I know I need to let go?  Whatever it is that is suffocating you, I encourage you to take steps in letting it go.  Don't hold on to it another day, because it's sucking the life out of you.

Free yourself so that you can breath again.  As for Jaxon, join me in praying that pacifier spirit off of him! LOL!!

Til we meet, laugh, love!

Peace and Blessings,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Give It Time

My youngest son, Jaxon, had outpatient surgery this morning to have his adenoids removed and tubes placed in his ears.  The reason for the adenoidectomy is to help his breathing and snoring. (He snores like a grown man!)  Before leaving the Outpatient Surgery Center, the nurse explained to my husband and I that, although the problem has been rectified, it'll be at least a week before we notice any changes. "Give it time," she said sweetly.  While sitting next to Jaxon as he takes a nap, I notice that his snoring sounds worse than it was before. "My goodness" I whispered to myself, "that sure does sound bad."  But then I quickly remembered what the nurse said, Give it time.  The steps have already been made to fix the problem; I just need to be patient and wait for it to take effect.

In life, after you've prayed and prayed for God to fix a situation, it sometimes seems that instead of getting better, things become worse.  That can be so frustrating.  I know that feeling all too well.

Today, I want to encourage you to give it time.  The situation is already worked out, but you need to be patient and wait for things to shift.  Don't worry, or fret.  Just wait for the changes to take effect.  And they will...soon!

Til we meet, love, laugh!

Peace and Blessings,

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Are You Thankful For?

My blogging days are a bit thrown off this week.  Both of my boys ended up sick, so I had to shift into mommy-nurse mode.  Any mother knows that caring for sick children is a full-time job all by itself.  I don't mind one bit though; I'm crazy in love with my Joseph (7) and Jaxon (14 months).  I am so thankful for my children.

I have had such a heart of gratitude this week, and Thank You Jesus is continuously flowing from my lips.  You know, sometimes we get so caught up in the stress of everyday life, that we often overlook the many things we have to be thankful for.

Today, I want to encourage you to think about your blessings.  Make a list of things you're grateful for. No matter how grim things may become in your life sometimes, you are blessed and have so much to be thankful for.

So tell me, what are you thankful for?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thankful for My Special Friends...

It is so important to make sure that you are surrounded with positive people who love, support and encourage you along your journey in life.  I cannot adequately express how significant it is to seek God before forming relationships with people.  There are some people who only have your demise at heart, which is why you must be careful when asking others to pray for you, sharing your vision, or telling your business.

I am so blessed to be surrounded by genuine people whose love and loyalty I never have to question.  I have a family of friends, near and across the miles, who encourage and support me in all that I do; pray me through tough situations; uplift me when I'm down and rejoice with me when I'm up...a priceless gift from God. I have had my fair share of friends gone wrong, so I am eternally grateful to finally be divinely connected to the perfect group of people who love me for me, and have no hidden agendas.

If you have genuine people in your life who are always in your corner, cherish them.  It's not everyday that you come across people who have sincere motives for wanting to be a part of your life; whose only agenda is to love you, unconditionally, and push you toward being your best self.  And, in turn, you give the same devotion.

Today's post is dedicated to those who have been there for me when the going was tough, and didn't allow my ugly truths to push them away.  Instead, you embraced me, prayed for me, gave me a hand up, and pushed me toward my destiny. (You know who you are.) I thank God for you, and love you beyond measure.  You are a precious gift, and my life is richer because you're a part of it.

Til we meet more, worry less, laugh often!

Peace and Blessings,

Friday, September 24, 2010

God Will Deliver

God is doing some amazing things in my life!  He's answering prayers, opening doors, healing situations...I couldn't tell it all if I tried.  I have had many dark days, and countless sleepness nights.  I've been so low that I wanted to die.  But God, who is faithful to perform His word, has kept His promises to me.  He has delivered me from my afflictions, and given me brand new life.

While in the thick of things, it wasn't always easy to believe that God would indeed deliver.  It seemed like God was ignoring me.  Anybody ever felt like that? You're praying and crying out to God, but it seems like you get nothing from Him, and instead of things getting better, they grow worse.

Know this, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all."(Psalm34:19)  Yes, it's rough right now; but, I encourage you to lift your eyes unto the hills from whence cometh your help. (Psalm 121:1)

God is a God of promise.  His word absolutely cannot return to Him void; it will accomplish that which it was sent out to do. (Isaiah 55:11)  God promised in His word that He will deliver you; trust Him to do just what He said He would do.

Hang in there, knowing that the race is not given to the swift, neither the battle to the strong, but to those that endure until the end.  Pray for strength to endure until God sees fit to manifest His delivering power in your life.  In the meantime, grab hold to what He's trying to teach you.  The things you're going through are intended to mature and develop you into a vessel fit for the Master's use.  So, while you're on the Potter's wheel, surrender your all and allow Him to shape and mold you.  I know it hurts right now, but remember this:  God will deliver!

Til we meet more, worry less, laugh often!

Peace and Blessings,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Go With the Flow...

This morning, a couple of unexpected events occurred that threw me completely off my normal schedule.  A whole 45 minutes off.  Initially, I grew irritated because this meant that my whole day would be off course.  I was going to be late taking my 14 month old son, Jaxon, to the sitter, and extra late getting to work.  You should have seen me rushing this morning.  By the time I got into my truck I was hot and out of breath.  Then I realized I left the curling irons plugged up, and Jaxon's diaper bag sitting on the table. I had to run back in the house.

While running back into the house, the Holy Spirit spoke to me so calmly:  Rushing isn't going to change anything. Slow down, go with the flow and trust that everything will be just fine.  Needless to say, I slowed down, didn't speed, and though I was still a little late, everything fell right into place.  It's as if I was right on schedule all along.

Similarly, in life you will experience seasons that completely throw you off your normal schedule.  During this season you grow frustrated, irritated and agitated, because it seems as if your whole life is now off course, and there is nothing you want more than to rush through it so that things will get back to normal.

Just as the Spirit spoke to me this morning in the midst of my irritation, I am saying to you in the midst of your frustration - Rushing isn't going to change anything. Slow down, go with the flow and trust that everything will be just fine. 

I promise, if you learn to go with the flow of God's plan for your life, things will turn out just fine.  Trust His plan, and know that just because you feel that you're thrown off course, you're exactly where God wants you to be.  You will realize that you've been right on track with God's will for your life all along.

Til we meet more, worry less, laugh often!

Peace and Blessings,

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nobody Greater

Happy Friday! Seems like this week has flown by.
My heart is so full. I have been fighting back tears of joy all day. God is so awesome, and there is truly nobody greater.  I am at a loss for words at how God is showing Himself strong in my life...

There's a song that's been on my heart today - Nobody Greater by Vashawn Mitchell. The song simply says:

Searched all over
couldn't find nobody
Looked high and low
still couldn't find nobody
nobody greater, nobody greater
nobody greater than you

Today, I want to encourage you to take a moment and really think about how great God is. Take your mind off your problems for a moment and let your thoughts lead you into your place of worship. Sometimes we become so focused on what's going wrong in our lives that we forget how marvelous our God is. (I have definitely been guilty.)

We serve an awesome God; no one compares to Him. I don't even have the words to adequately describe Him...He's great. That is all. Enjoy your week-end! Oh, and enjoy the song posted below.

Til we meet more, worry less, laugh often!

Peace and Blessings,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Stand On His Promises

There is a phrase that seems to be on repeat ringing in my spirit.  What is it, you ask? STAND ON HIS PROMISES.

I keep hearing it.  The more I hear it, and the more I speak it to myself and others, the more excited I become.  God's word is full of promises, and they all apply to me...and you!  And what I love about God's promises is that they are true, because He is a God that cannot lie and His word will not return to Him void.  You know the saying: If God said it, that settles it!

As I draw nigh to God, He, in turn, draws nigh to me, and His promises are being made manifest in my life day by day.  There was a time in my life when I thought that God's promises were for everyone, except me.  I felt as if I wasn't worthy of anything He promised in His word.  Truthfully, none of us are really worthy, but it's through the precious blood of Jesus that God sees us worthy of His unmerited favor.

One thing I know for sure is that if you love God with all of your heart, mind and soul, and live uprightly before Him, no good thing will be withheld from you, as long as it lines up with His word.  Oftentimes, the problem is that instead of focusing on The Promiser, we become too fixated on the promise.

Unless the God of the promise is your primary focus, the promises of God for your life will be on layaway for a little while.  Many times, we hold up our own blessings...but that's another post.

I want to encourage those of you who wholeheartedly love and live for God to stand on His promises, because they are sure to come to pass.  Every promise made to you in God's word will be made manifest in your life, and there's not a thing the enemy can do to block it.  He may try, but it won't work.

Keep the faith and don't you dare stop believing.  The promises of God are yes and amen.  They are guaranteed!

Til we meet more, worry less, laugh often!

Peace and Blessings,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Keep In Touch...Pray Daily

Hi Divine Words family!  My heart is so overwhelmed by all of the love shown to me in the publishing of my very first article EVER in EEW Magazine!!  I have to give a big THANK YOU to my dear friend and mentor, Dianna Hobbs, for affording me such an amazing opportunity.  God's blessings are something awesome!

Now, on to today's post...

A couple nights ago, a relative that I haven't seen or heard from in about 8 years showed up unexpectedly at my mom's house.  We spent a little time reminiscing and laughing about old childhood memories, but then our conversation took a turn.  I began to bring him up-to-date on some things that had been going on within the family, informing him of family members that had passed away.  Fighting back tears, he responded "Why didn't I know about any of this?  Why didn't anyone inform me?"  My response: "You've been out of pocket. We tried, but no one could reach you." 

Though I was sorry that he had to find things out long after the fact, my conversation with him made me think about how important it is to keep in touch with God.  He is the source of our being, and without constant contact with Him, we are sure to end up misguided and confused. 

The way to stay in contact with God is through prayer. Prayer is so very vital to a relationship with Christ, and there is no way to have a meaningful relationship without it.  We should incorporate prayer into our daily life; not only when we need something from God. 

If we communicate daily with God, He will communicate daily with us.  In doing so, we will be in tune with His spirit, and His spirit will lead and guide us. 

If you've been out of pocket with God, today I encourage you to work on keeping in touch with Him.  Keep the line of communication open and active with Him.

Til we meet more, worry less, laugh often!

Peace and Blessings,

Friday, September 10, 2010

Choose Your Friends Wisely...

Happy Friday (although it's almost over)!  I am so exhausted...I could sleep for days.  I am praying that this week-end will be uneventful so I can get a little rest. *crossing fingers and wishing upon star* I can barely think straight right now...just sad.

Today I just want to leave you a quick note: 

Choose your friends wisely.  Be careful of the connections you make, because not everyone is meant to be a part of your life.  Partaking in the wrong relationships can prove to be detrimental to your progression in life.  Linking up with the wrong people will weigh you down.

Assess your circle and ask God to help you weed out those that mean you no good.  Pray for direction in choosing who you should allow to be a part of your life, because there are no connections like divine connections.  Life is so much better when you're connected to the right people.

Enjoy your week-end!

Til we meet more, worry less, laugh often!

Peace and Blessings,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Walk In His Will

The safest place in all the world is in the will of God.  I am learning this more and more everyday.  My prayer is to always have a heart that wants to remain in God's perfect will for my life.  I can vividly recall a time in my life when I was completely outside of God's will.  I never consulted Him about anything and didn't really care what direction He wanted me to take.  Being out of line with God caused me a lot of disappointment, heartache and failures.  As long as I walked in my will, nothing in my life turned out right.  Can we say trainwreck?!  I'm talking a hot mess!

It is so very vital that we walk in accordance with God's will for our lives, because it is only He who can truly order our steps.  I mean, sure we can try to order our own steps, but will find that the path will be full of potholes, pitfalls, dead ends, detours and roadblocks, and will only lead you back to square one.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says this:
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

So, if God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours, how is it that we think we have even the slightest clue about the direction our life should take, unless we consult Him and walk in His way?  The mistake that so many make is walking according to their own will.  If we desire to live purpose-driven lives, it is imperative that we link up with Christ and submit our will to His will.

God cannot direct us in His path if we are strolling along our own path which does not lead to Him.  You see, in His will is where we find covering, protection, direction, safety, favor, peace...outside of His will, we find just the opposite.  It is impossible to please the Lord unless you walk with Him, and unless you are in His will, you cannot walk with Him.

God has the masterplan for your life.  Not to say that just because you live according to His will that you won't experience some turbulence in your life, but one thing is for sure, His will is the absolute safest place in the whole wide world.  Today, I encourage you to relinquish your own will and give yourself over to the will of God.

Til we meet more, worry less, laugh often!

Peace and Blessings,