Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful For God's Strength

I've been sick all week.  It started Sunday afternoon when I began to feel the onset of a cold.  By Monday morning, I was coughing, sneezing, and had bodyache, headache, congestion and stuffy nose.  No fun.  Now that my cold is a lot better, I'm feeling extremely drained, and nothing seems to settle on my stomach.  Juggling being sick and taking care of my daily responsibilities has been quite challenging, but thank God for His grace and strength.  With my husband away on a business trip (Thank God he's on his way home!) I have had to rely solely upon the Lord's strength this week.  I've called on Jesus so much He's probably tired of me!

Yesterday evening my almost 9 year old son, Joseph, joined me in the kitchen as I prepared dinner.  In the midst of me asking the Lord to give me strength, he tilted his head to the side and said, "Why do you keep saying that?"  Totally oblivious to what he was talking about, "Saying what?" I asked.  "You keep saying Lord give me strength. Why do keep on saying that?  You say it a lot."  I chuckled a bit.

"Because mommy's body is tired and weak from fighting this cold. My energy is totally gone, and since the Lord has a never-ending supply of energy, I need Him to give me some, or else you and your greedy little brother won't have a hot meal tonight" I told him.  He laughed, and jokingly told me that I was crazy.

He doesn't understand it now, but I'm sure that once he's grown into a man and experiences life on his own, he'll be asking the Lord for strength just like mommy.

On any given day, at any given moment, I'm petitioning the Lord to increase my strength.  Especially when my own has been stretched paper thin.  And I am so glad that His strength is made perfect when mine is small.  As a mom of three, a wife, and as a servant for the Lord, I need God's muscles every single day.

Fictitiously speaking, God has huge muscles, much bigger than those of Popeye, that are strong enough to hold us up and carry us when our strength fails.  I'm thankful that I never have to rely upon my own strength to make it through challenging times, whether physically or spiritually, but I can plug into my Father's energy supply through prayer and His word, and obtain all the juice I need to keep it moving.  Isaiah 40:29 says, "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."  Thank God for that.

You don't have to go at life feeling weak and worn; the Lord's strength is available whenever you need it.  Lean on Him.

~May you live in His love.~


  1. God is so Good! I just took some Nyquil myself :) I'm glad you're feeling better...I've been checking the blog all week.

  2. I missed blogging all week. I tried, but it just wasn't happening! LOL!! Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for reading. :)

  3. I know this is late, but I found your blog while searching for strength to deal with a family situation. Thanks for the words, I needed them


I appreciate your comment. Peace and Blessings to you!