Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Short Sabbatical

Hi everyone!

I haven't blogged in about a week.  In case you're wondering why, here's the reason...

God has been tugging at my heart about a few things in my life.  He's revealing some things to me, pulling me away from some things and people and drawing me closer to Him.  Though I welcome God's perfect will to be done in my life, transition is not always an easy process.  I'm just being honest...

When God is shifting things in your life, sometimes you need to take a moment to commune with Him so that He may give you clarity and clear direction.  This is where I am.

So, I'm taking some time to allow God to pour into my spirit, so that His will is clear to me.  Far too often, we jump ahead of God and make a mess of things all because we don't take time to listen.

I will be back...soon, and the posts will be more regular.  Right now, I really just need to hear God...I'm sure you understand.  I admonish you all to do the same...take a moment to hear your heart and listen.

Til we meet again...

Live more...worry less...laugh often!!


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