Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fill Your Spiritual Tank

Why is it that in the midst of adversity, instead of drawing nigh to God, we sometimes scale back? When things are going good in our lives we have no problem praying, praising or living for God; however, as soon as things get out of whack, we tend to lose sight of the very things that give us the strength and fortitude to endure. How can we expect to make it through the hard times in our lives if we fail to consistently fill ourselves with the things that give us spiritual and emotional strength, such as prayer, fasting and studying God’s word? Think about this – You fill your car with gas at the beginning of the week, but by the week’s end you have driven your car so much that the gas you put in at the beginning of the week has been completely exhausted. Without another fill-up your car would inevitably shut down because it is impossible for it to run on an empty tank.

Well, the same concept applies to us, as Christians. Every now and then we need a spiritual fill-up. Sometimes, after going through struggle after struggle, while yet trying to live a holy life, we become spiritually exhausted. Because we are running on empty, we shut-down. We become so bogged down by our problems that we can’t muster up the strength to remain consistent in what keeps our spirit lifted and going strong. If we fail to be consistent in filling our cars when the tank is low, we will find that when we need it to take us on a long stretch it will not have enough fuel to power the engine, and therefore, will not make it. By the same token, when we fail to be continuous in our praying, fasting or studying, we lose the strength to stay in the press.

Scripture tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10b) How do you maintain the joy of the Lord? By never ceasing to pray, intently studying God’s word, going on an occasional fast, continually praising God, etc… These are ways to allow God to replenish your spirit and give you that extra fuel you need to keep going. You can’t afford to allow yourself to become spiritually empty, running on mere fumes. When your spirit is low, it gives Satan the perfect opportunity to bombard your mind and drain you of whatever strength you have left and before you know it, you are down in the dumps.

Purpose in your heart to remain steadfast in God and become habitual in seeking His presence to be prevalent in your life. Don’t wait until your spiritual gas-light is beaming to ask God to fill your cup, but position yourself for a continued outpour through your consistent longing for him.

Til we meet again...

Live more...worry less...laugh often!!


1 comment:

I appreciate your comment. Peace and Blessings to you!