Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Discovering Contentment

"...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." (Philippians 4:11, NIV)

Whatever the circumstances? I don't know about that. This is what I've found myself thinking lately. I must make a confession...content is a word that scares the bejesus out of me. I think it's because I see being content with something as being satisfied with it as it is, but there are certain situations in my life where I am everything BUT satisfied.  So I sometimes find myself asking God "How do you expect me to just be cool when this area of my life is hot as Hades?" I am having a hard time with this one...

This morning I began my quest to gain a better understanding of what it means to be content, and through I found out just how discontent I am. I could identify with almost every antonym listed. Wow! (SMH) Immediately I began to pray, asking God to forgive me for being so dissastisfied with my current circumstances that I've allowed myself to be unhappy with and question His plan for my life. I asked Him to help me discover and embrace true contentment. Afterall, contentment and happiness are totally different. So, being content isn't saying I'm necesarrily happy with the circumstances, but I'm okay with accepting them as they are until they become better.

We all face seasons in our lives when we feel dissatisfied, discontent and disturbed by the raging storms God uses to mold, mature and birth ministry within us.  During these times all we want is for things to change...quickly. But what we often fail to realize is that it takes time to learn what God is trying to teach us; therefore, we must learn to be content with whatever state we are in. Chances are, until we've absorbed the wisdom wrapped within the circumstance things aren't likely to change. Unless we embrace what God is doing, no matter how discontenting it may be, growth and development will not take place in our lives.

I know that I am not alone in my struggle to discover contentment in certain areas of my life, so whoever you are that can relate to what I'm experiencing join me in going before God and asking Him to teach us how to be content, whatever the circumstance. I can readily admit that accepting what God allows is not always easy and we often want to fight against it, but I promise it gets you absolutely no where...except further away from God. And I'm sure that's a place none of us, who really love Him, want to be.

One thing I love about God is that He promised all things would work together for our good...and He's a God of promise!! So, if you're like me and haven't quite gotten this contentment thing down to a science, let's make the discovery together. As Paul Morton's song says, "I pray for you, you pray for me and watch God change things."  We're in this together...

Til we meet again...

Live more...worry less...laugh often!!

Your sister in Christ,

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