Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Always Do Your Best

Yesterday my 2nd grade son, Joey, brought home his report card.  He made all A's and a B.  Though I'm always proud of him for maintaining excellent grades, I was exceptionally proud of the he made.  Here's why...

About a month ago his teacher sent home a mid-quarter progress report, and I noticed that he had a C in Math.  This raised an eyebrow, because he's always on his A-game.  When I questioned him about his grade, his reply was, "Mama, I just don't like Math. It's boring." 

"Well, just because you don't like Math does not mean that you're not supposed to do your best.  Do you think this is your best, or can you do better?" I responded.  With slumped shoulders and a whiny voice, he answered, "I can do better."

After speaking with his teacher, who confirmed that he doesn't like Math due to the fact that he goes to La-La land during that subject, I learned what areas we needed to focus on.  So, every evening he and I would do Math worksheets together.  As a result of his hard work, despite the fact that Math is still his least favorite subject, he managed to pull his grade up by putting his best foot forward.  You should've seen the smile on his face as he handed me his report card yesterday.  As I planted a million kisses all over his face, I said to him, "I knew you could do it. Always do your best no matter what."

The moral of the story is this:  Situations will arise in life that you don't particularly care for; nevertheless, you must always put your best foot forward.  When you do your best, despite how you feel, you'll reap the best results.

See you Friday!

Live, laugh, love!!

Peace and Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Congrats to Joey on an excellent report card! YAY! Such a true message, Keisha! That's all the Lord expects from us- our very best and with the purest intentions.

    Love this!

    Have a wonderful weekend, sis!



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