Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Listen Carefully

I am an avid music lover. I love songs with a clear, positive, moving message.  So many people get caught up in the beat behind the lyrics, but I'm not at all impressed by a good beat that has no real message to accompany it. For me, the lyrics to a song are what capture my attention, not the mere feel of it. 

It is so important that we pay close attention to what we allow to go into our ears, because as harmless as it may seem, what we take in through our ears eventually enters into our mind, and consequently seeps into our heart.  Once something takes root in your heart, it comes out through your actions.  Now, this doesn't apply exclusively to music; the same principle applies to conversations and television.  If we constantly fill ourselves with all the wrong things we will constantly produce all the wrong things, because, ultimately, we put out what we take in. 

But, back to the music.  Music has a powerful way of inspiring, uplifting, encouraging and motivating.  There are times when I may be feeling a bit down and God will use a song to minister to me and lift my spirit.  There's nothing like a good old song stirring in your spirit, especially one with compelling lyrics that get you going.

There's a song that I've been listening to everyday for the past ten days and it is motivating me tremendously to take a leap of faith and get the ball rolling on doing the things that God has given me to do.  The song is entitled Do What He Said by a very dear friend and mentor, Dianna Hobbs.  This is one of those songs that is packed with conviction that motivates its listener to get moving and do just what God said do.

Take a listen and let the words pierce your heart, because God is searching for those who are ready and willing to obey Him, answer His call and do as He instructs.  I encourage you to fill yourself with things that serve as a driving force to push you to purpose.  Examine what you're listening to, whether it be music, conversations or TV, and if it doesn't positively motivate or encourage you then make some adjustments.

Enjoy the song! (BTW, you can download it for only .99 cents on Amazon.)

Til we meet more, worry less, laugh often!

Your sister in Christ,

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