Monday, July 5, 2010

Celebrate Your Freedom

July 4th is a national holiday set aside to celebrate the day the United States declared its independence. People from all walks of life gather with their loved ones and enjoy fireworks, barbecues, parades and many other exciting festivities! We celebrate the fact that America is a free country.

Last evening as I was enjoying my routine quiet time, I began to think about the freedom that God gives.  I thought about the scripture "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." (John 8:36) So many of us are bound and we don't even have to be.  Jesus is standing right there with open arms, just waiting for you to declare your independence from bondage. Freedom is readily avaliable to you today...acknowledge it, accept it, act on it.

There's nothing more Satan would love to do than to keep you your heart, in your mind, in your spirit.  He knows that if he can hold you hostage to bondage, he can kill your purpose.  Oh, but that old devil is a liar. Today, I dare you to sign your Declaration of Indepence from all pain, hurt, guilt and shame. Open your heart and recieve the freedom that Christ is so eager to give you.

There's no freedom like freedom in Christ! Celebrate your freedom, not just on July 4th, but everyday of your life! Your soul is free; your heart is free; your mind is free...celebrate!!

Til we meet again...

Live more...worry less...laugh often!

Your sister in Christ,

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